NATO Aircraft Markings

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
I've wondered this for some time and perhaps the forum can answer it for me.

Why are some NATO aircraft marked with NATO spelled both forward and backward.

Example: NATO [NATO Roundel] OTAN

Any insight?
why the hell are the French such twats about everything more countries than any other speak English yet they still insist everything be done in french or they'll start throwing their toys out of the pram!
Because they are worried that the French language is becoming as relevant as Babylonian i believe they have the only language that does not use the word computer they call it "un adaptuer " or some similar
Well they are about as irrelevent now as they have been in any war since 1939...
Here here....Anyway, some of my favorite quotes deal with the French. And, no, I am not a racist bigot, I just find some of these quotes telling/funny.

"If we're angering the French, we must be doing something right..."

"Right... next time France gets invaded and controlled by another party, like...the Bahamas, the world leaders are staying out of it..."

As per the NATO OTAN thing, thats just silly of them...its like teaching a special forces team the workings of Chinese, just to send them to Iraq.
"Right... next time France gets invaded and controlled by another party, like...the Bahamas, the world leaders are staying out of it..."

We used to joke around about that in the hanger over here in Germany. We would say that the next German chancelor was going to invade and take France but the rest of the world was going to be like "Oh well its for the better, besides let them breed them out!" :lol:

All French People it is a joke, that were were all saying that.
Fact is though, if we were being realistic and insulted the French, we would call the EU the FU and decide to deal with each country separately rather than through the EU...
believe me the EU is a big mistake and i hate it, as do the French, there's no way to gague public opinion of it here because there has NEVER been a referendum as to whether we should be in it or not!
Some photos...



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