Natures Sculptor

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
I've been having a bit of a problem with bull ants of late, not in the house luckily but of an evening one cannot walk outside in the garden without problems. They are not in my garden but come from the nature strip of the adjoining house and there front garden. So short of using plastic explosive, gelignite or just a plane dynamite stick, I've been surfing the net for solutions and while doing so, came across this.

Ant hill devoured by scorching-hot metal |
Vic, you may tray to make a deal with the guy.. as I know he is very helpful taking ants into consideration..

Looks a bit like Jan after a Saturday night down Sauchiehall Street!
Vic, a gallon or two of petrol, and a match, works wonders on ant's nests !! Not as spectacular as PE4, but saves on the cost of new windows!!
Terry, in the US we have fire ants which are bad enough but the Australians have Bull ants. Their nests are usually underground and often have hidden or small entrances making it difficult to find plus the nests can extend several metres below the ground. They will also attack intruders of any size that come too close to their nest. Bull ants also have well-developed vision (a meter or more) and will follow or even chase an intruder a good distance from the nest. Usually the sight of large aggressive ants streaming out of the nest is enough to prompt a hasty retreat. If not, the ants deliver painful stings by gripping the intruder with their mandibles, then curling their abdomen to reveal the sting and injecting the victim with venom. Often multiple stings are delivered. They are responsible for several human deaths every year.
Vic B - If you can safely find the nest pour diesel fuel on it, the heavier than air fumes will suffocate the critters, no need to light, an excellent insecticide is FENTHION (Baytex 550), or if your into the "natural" methods try amorphous diatomaceous earth. The critters will eat the dust and just dry up
I have heard that feeding ants cornmeal will kill them, as they take it back to the colony and consume the cornmeal but starve when it doesn't digest and blocks their stomac. Another option is raw (uncooked) Cream of Wheat (Farina?) that they'll also take back to the nest, consume it which then expands in their gut from moisture during digestion, resulting in death.

My first response however, is to kill them with fire. Big fire and plenty of it.
Diesel, Gasoline, Napalm, White Phospherous or a direct hit from the Deathstar's main laser...any or all on that list would be my choice...
Capt Vic they are indeed about 20mm in length, very aggressive, with good eyesight, and they can jump. Powerful mandibles and a nasty wasp-like stinger capable of multiple stings. Not a critter you want in your backyard


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Thanks for looking in folks and also for all the suggestions. in truth I'm having moderate successes by doing what Mike suggests and using fuel down the holes when and where I find them and asphyxiating the bast@rds. As Mike says though, you got'a find the holes and this nest is big, covering about 24sq metres under bushes and a huge tree all of which are in next doors garden.

These fellows actually take a 50metre + hike every night from next door, across the front of our house, under the side gate and down past the side of the house through the back yard to the garden behind and in the next street, assumedly chasing the delights in that yard where the kids and the chooks play. Then they trot home again come morning.

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