Naval Anti Aircraft Fire Control Directors

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Senior Airman
Jan 2, 2014
Anyone aware of what type of fire control directors would be on Naval vessels throughout the war? Or a good source for this info? I'm most interested in the Pacific, but any info would be helpful.

I'm thinking that Japanese capital ship had the type 95 director only on the 3x25mm mounts, not sure about destroyers. How about the US vessels, or Fire control on the dual purpose guns?
I can only say that at D Day there were members of the Royal Observer Corps directing fire on converted liberty ships with anti aircraft guns, I know this because my uncle was one of them. The Americans at and post DDay had not been "in theatre" so were jumpy and couldnt tell friend from foe. My uncle said he didnt call down fire merely identified friend from foe, the order on which AC to fire was given from who ever was in command on the ship based on advice from the ROC. He did get a commendation for being cool under fire from the American ships captain and I have his Normandy medal awarded by the French for this action.
Thanks for the info, pbehn.

What I was looking for was the various types of fire directors used on vessels, the mechanical part as opposed to the human part.

From the limited info I know, dual purpose weapons on capital ships would have directors, generally with x amount of guns under the control of each director. Smaller caliber AA (40mm or so on down) often had a computing sight, a mini director of it's own in essence, or smaller weapons sometime had nothing.

For instance the 25mm triple mount generally had the type 95 director, while single mounts did not have any type of directors and was done manually with just a standard sight.

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