Naval Stuka

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Launched yep, but not from the Graf Spree Carrier, I think a test catapult was used on remodelled obselete ship, like a seaplane tender or a 'steamer'. As far as I know the Kriegmarine carrier(s) were unfunished, but possible not cut up and mat'l recycled into other weapons and armour etc until after the war, if at all, unless the Soviets towed it/them for 'reclamation and re-alocation'.
Catapault tests were conducted on a modified barge that had copies of the Graf Zeppelin's catapault system. The Navalized Bf109 and Ju87 were tested from this barge.

There is even film footage of the tests found online at places like youtube.

"Graf Zeppelin" Rediscovered: Hitler's Showpiece Aircraft Carrier Found - SPIEGEL ONLINE

German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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