Navigation Arrows in Awkward Location - Delete?

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Nov 16, 2008
The Up/Down arrows sometimes interfere with the scroll bar when replying to posts


Personally, I never use these arrows anyway. I use Page Up/Down on my laptop and a simple swipe on my phone.

Unless others find these useful, suggest they be deleted. If they stay, they should be moved.
They are easy to remove, just tested it in the brown Artakus style. I also don't see the point. On the cellphone they are just in the way and I also don't use them. But I don't know if people would have problems if we remove them.
Which theme are you using BTW?
I'm using these arrows when I need to get the top or bottom of a page quickly. IMHO these are useful and don't interfere with any forum elements.No problem for me at any level of the board.
They are easy to remove, just tested it in the brown Artakus style. I also don't see the point. On the cellphone they are just in the way and I also don't use them. But I don't know if people would have problems if we remove them.
Which theme are you using BTW?
Like Wurger Wurger I use the arrows on desktop/mobile for quickly jumping to top or bottom.
Based on the extremely small sample size I will unscientifically conclude their usefulness is split among users.
Looks like Crimea_River Crimea_River is running Artakus - Blue/Grey on desktop, but his screen size is so small the arrows invade his workspace.
I will explore making a user variable to enable/disable the arrows. Maybe for desktop add css media check for screen width above.
I checked analytics and Crimea_River Crimea_River is running 1366x768
Just checked that on my phone. Really no problem with them there. I can scroll all the screen with no trouble and these arrows let me go up and down the screen quickly. There is no conflict between them and the screen or any other elements. So it seems that the screen size or a net browser might be the reason for . But IMHO, that's the matter of the user's habits.
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Just sent that post above. No problems with that. The only trouble were these small keys at the phone. I need a new pair of glasses. :lol:
This time I uploaded a pic as well. No problems with that. These arrows are located at left bottom corner of the screen next to the sending/uploading buttons there and don't affect using of them. So I don't know what is the problem. As I said the people'abilities and habits.
That's definitely true.
For me in the old Xenith skin, they are mightily in the way. In artakus not so much. I don't use them. I'm a keyboard jockey anyway, so I use keys as much as possible.
To be honest neither the ones of the Xenth skin nor of the Artakus one are the trouble for me. I found them very useful and finally, I could stop scrolling the screen up and down manually with the mouse roll when I wanted to move up or down of a page or screen.
Yeah, as you said, it's all about personal habits and abilities. The home and the end key serve the same purpose.

Yep.. there is always a couple of alternative ways for each option to go.

Yea, like I originally said it is probably a split on those who like or don't like. I'll explore making it an option to enable/disable
Sounds good. But there is no need to change it at all. Just my opinion. Perhaps it would be better if the arrows were displayed for a wee while only after the scrolling was stopped. Of course these could be displayed when scrolling down or up.
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Guys the issue appears only when writing a long reply. Usually the scroll bar does not appear for short posts. Once the post starts getting long, say with pictures, the the scroll bar appears and the slider can hide behind the up/down buttons. Look at my picture.

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