Navy Days

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the lancaster kicks ass

Major General
Dec 20, 2003
I went to the royal navy's navy days today in HMNB Devonport (i live quite close, CC took me) it's the only one in the country an there were many international ships as well as many Royal Navy ships including HMS Ocean, it was amazing, considering i'd never been on a boat before today, i've been around many frigates and even Ocean herself, there were a few flying displays, mainly by helicopters but there was a simulated dogfight between 2xsea harrier F/A.II and 2xhawk, to commeroate the 60th anerversary of D-Day there was a flypast by a spit, P-51 and wildcat, an to continue my run of poor viewing at aircraft displays, we were in a different part of the base when the fly over happened, the aircraft did a good 5 or 6 circuits of the main part of the base to far away to see properly, then they made 1 flypast of where we were standing so i only got one photo, which sucks, but it was an amazing day.....................

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