Need Help on Bf-110 Color Scheme

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Bryan McLarty

Dec 30, 2012
Lubbock, TX
Hi, guys!

I am interested in possibly re-doing a color scheme on an R/C ESM Messerschmitt Bf-110 model airplane. It is a 95" wingspan model that I plan to power with twin DLE 20cc engines.

The subject I am considering is from the North Afrika Campaign and shown here.

What I need is some experienced advice on:
1) What RLM colors make up this subject's scheme?
2) Recommendations on how you would mask/paint the fuselage and in what steps.
3) Any idea on what the top surface of this scheme would look like? I can't find any documentation.

These are the colors I think are shown:

RLM 65 Hellblau- Underside
RLM 79 Sandbraun - Sides, Topside
RLM 04 Gelb - Rudders, front nacelles, spinners, light camo highlights on side fuselage
RLM 21 Weis - Aft fuselage band

The color that is giving me fits is the slightly darker earth tone at the top of the fuselage and canopy frame. Possibly RLM 62 Grun?

Also, does this aircraft have an aluminum finished leading edge on the outer 2/3 of the outer wing panel? What is that? De-icer????

I appreciate your suggestions! Thank you.


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The colours listed sound right. The darker colour could be RLM 71 green, as the European camouflage was, at first, just over-painted - it would depend on the period, although I believe a colour darker than RLM 79 Sandgelb was used later. The white band s the theatre marking for the MTO, and the yellow cowlings and rudders are tactical/ID markings, first used in the BoB.
Note that the lower section of the antenna mast is not yellow, ut plain, varnished wood.
The MTO is not a particularly strong point of mine, so perhaps another member can provide more info.
The area of the wing you mention as the outer two thirds, is the HP leading edge slat, which deployed at low speeds and certain AoA, and what you are seeing is just the same demarcation line between upper and lower colours.
I haven't found a picture of that particular aircraft,though several from the same unit,which always gives a clue.
Is this supposed to be "end of 1940" as per the profile caption?
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I agree with Stona. Also the RLM65 Hellblau seems to be a little bit incorrect. If the plane would be re-painted with these desert colours it should be RLM78 Himmelblau rather. Or it was RLM76 Hellgrau if the plane had the ETO basic camo scheme. Of course the RLM76 could be left and the top colour applied only.

I just cant be cetain of the time period. This image is from Wings Palette and struck my fancy as a modeling subject. I am too ignorant of the Luftwaffe aircraft to comment on more. That's why I have you guys!
I agree with Stona. Also the RLM65 Hellblau seems to be a little bit incorrect. If the plane would be re-painted with these desert colours it should be RLM78 Himmelblau rather. Or it was RLM76 Hellgrau if the plane had the ETO basic camo scheme. Of course the RLM76 could be left and the top colour applied only.

I dont think the artist of the posted picture reproduced accurate colors. They seem too light or bright to me.
Wingspalette is a bit of a crapshoot. Lots of inaccurate stuff over there. The closest picture of a similar machine is this well-known pair.

or you have these....


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