Need Help on school assignment

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Could anyone please help me on the following topics for my school assignment.

1. What were the main aircraft used in ww2 (and Nam)?
2. What are the differences between the aircraft used in ww2 and Nam?
3. How much money was spent developing the aircraft in these wars?
4. What advantages did aircraft give over other stuff? (weapons, transport etc.)
5.Did one side have air supremacy over the others? For what reason?

First of all, a half decent response to this would take pages upon pages to fill. Second, this sounds like a school assignment. There are plenty of sites out there with tons of information.
I don't want to be rude, but you may find that people will be more receptive with a different pseudonym. There are people that come to the site that have been looking for your namesake and will probably not find it amusing.
evangilder said:
I don't want to be rude, but you may find that people will be more receptive with a different pseudonym. There are people that come to the site that have been looking for your namesake and will probably not find it amusing.

You're right - I knew 6 people who died on 9-11
yes i was going to make the point about you're name...........

but yes, there are many sites out there that can tell you that information, for us to tell you would take too long...........
Yep. Sorry to get like this, but I'll be blunt.

When I first saw this my first reaction was;

"Oh great, an Aussie Troll from Brisbane. Just what we always wanted - not."

So either you change it yourself or I will change it for you.

Message complete. Mederator mode offline - back to normal cheery service!
"Aussie troll"... I see that you're sensitive. 800000 people died in an earthquake in China, and they got over it, so I suggest you get over 9/11 too. The US have killed over 20000 Iraqi civilians, but you wouldn't mind if my username was George W Bush. Get over it. If my username has affected any pathetic sense of self security, then feel welcome to change it. Otherwise, it would be greatly appreciated if you kept on topic.

I think you're too imature for this site, try Yahoo chats - There are many on this site that would be more than willing to help you but your attitude shows signs of a very spoiled child.

I suggest a library and I hope you get an "F."
Well now. Nice intro, I must say.
Way to go, dumb ass.
I used to be a network security manager. There are some incredible tools available to trace the origin of alot of things, if you know how to use them. Plus there are some tools that allow you to counter attack. Not that I have ever used them...

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