New to the forum need help with Japanese unit flag bought from vet

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Sep 5, 2020
I picked up an original Forestry dagger third reich and this flag from a vet. It was the last of his collection as he is getting older. Can anyone tell me or translate the flag? Its made of silk or I think its silk. It has a hole in the meatball and the top tie on one side is very fragile.
Thanks. I picked it up for 75 dollars. I don't see Japanese flags much. I think that is a good price. Can not wait to see what it says.
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Across the top of your flag

Hakkō Icchu
Eight corners of the world under one crown (Japanese patriotic slogan)

Buun Chōkyū
Everlasting luck in battle

Personnel and Pension Bureau

Various kanji (bravery, loyalty) followed by random names with ranks
Loyalty. Ida Ichiro
Bravery. Captain Nakano
Decisiveness. Lieutenant Itō
You seem to be a good Japanese reader and I love it, edteach
I need a few more pictures of part A and B taken from different angles to reconfirm but the flag can be read like this roughly.

1. 八紘一宇 We are all one

2. 武運長久 松井 Continued luck in the fortunes of war by Matsui

3. 内閣恩給局 所一会 忠烈 井田一郎 To Tokoro, Ichie of the Cabinet Pension Bureau / Unswerving loyalty by Ida, Ichiro

4. 頑 速水 Absolutely by Hayami

5. 猛 宮村勝田 Ferocious by Miyamura, Katsuta

6. 押 女+丙 (a coined word) 属 井川 You are a playboy by Igawa (sounds same as 横柄属 Oh-hei-zoku = Arrogant guy)

7. 勲 津田利之 Distinguished service by Tsuda, Toshiyuki

8. 断 伊藤少尉 Cut by 2nd Lt. Ito

9. 滅私奉公 吉川少尉 Selfless devotion by 2nd Lt. Yoshikawa

10. 義 大西中尉 Justice by Lt. Onishi

11. 勇 中町大尉 Bravery by Capt. Nakamachi

12. 常勝 松田義一 Ever-victorious by Matsuda, Yoshikazu

Hope this helps.

Thanks Shinpachi. But I don't know any Japanese. I posted it on a Japanese Translation site. They did it for me. Question is they said it was a fake. On the collectors forums no one questioned it. They were eluding to most of them are all fake. this one has definite age to it. Is it possible its a Tojo flag?
Thanks for more pics, edteach, but can I see the part B more clearly as the cloth bents?
This flag does not look fake to me but has nothing to do with Tojo.

Thanks and please let me correct my translation 3 and 6 like follows.

3. 内閣恩給局 体育会 忠烈 井田一郎 Athletic club of the Cabinet Pension Bureau / Unswerving loyalty by Ida, Ichiro

6. 押 女+丙 (a coined word) 属 井川 We are playboys by Igawa (sounds same as 横柄属 Oh-hei-zoku = Arrogant guy)

This flag was used as a team flag for a friendly game, like baseball, with the allied forces in the postwar to be gifted to the vet.
A very historical one.
Thanks. I appreciate it. Do you mean that the Vets name is indicated on the flag?
No names of the Vets on the flag.
According to some historical records about the Occupation of Japan, US soldiers were so frank that they offered such a friendly baseball game to Japanese officials in October, 1945. Such a flag would be an instant idea as a gift.

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