New Unpublished Java Sea Battle Pics

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Are there any java sea photos from the japanese side. I have never seen any

First, my previous post was not meant to 'bust' or catch anybody out as it were, but just make a correction and set the historical record straight re the images presented.

With regards the above 'question', the following three images were taken by Japanese pilots, the first of HMS Exeter probably on 14/15th Feb. during the Gasper strait sortie and the second two as Exeter sunk on March 1st 1942.


  • Exeter-bombs.jpg
    61.3 KB · Views: 137
  • Exeter-sinking.jpg
    59.1 KB · Views: 133
  • Exeter_sinking2.jpg
    67.7 KB · Views: 123
Thanks for the contributions Walter
I have a book entitled "Hell on Earth" about Canadian POW s captured in Hong Kong. In the book the Captain of the Exeter, I can't recall his name, was singled out for regular and very severe beatings from the Japanese captors.

Walter, many thanks for your contribution. Those pictures of the Exeter, in combination with the story of that gallant ship and crew, makes my heart break. I wonder how much of crew, when the ship was lost, had been aboard off the Plate.

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