Newfie Rap?!

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Fine, fine. Since nobody gives a hoot, here's another Newfie rap "hit". ;)

Imagine gangsta rivalry between St. John's and Grand Falls, Newfoundland. :lol:
If you've ever spent any time on the east coast of Canada, you'd understand. I'll put it this way: LA it ain't. ;)

This is funny sh*t. Newfoundland is full of intelligent but simple folk. That is to say that life is normally pretty simple there. For the most part, they're extremely friendly people. Fishermen, outdoorsmen...just good honest fun-loving people. To hear a group of Newfs trying to sound like Snoop Dogg or Doctor Dre is just too much! :lol:

Surley someone knows what I mean. :rolleyes:


Anyway, here it is. Like before:there's profanity.


  • Gazeebow Unit - Gawkin.wav
    3.1 MB · Views: 84
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's what is called TOY in the Rap jargon. :D

"I rhap loike this when I go from zhe pub in the mohnin'
wordz loike theez from me like from an asshole flowin'...." ;)
Well, these boys ain't faking it. That's actually how some Newfies talk. :lol:
They're supposed to be from St. John's, but to me they sound more like they're from up north somewhere, like Englee or St. Anthony. Dunno.
Really? Then I should post some Czech rap.
Here is a video clip from a Czech crew called DeFuckTo. Intelligent Rap... That's the Czech hip hop.


  • Defuckto - Můj svět.wmv
    10.2 MB · Views: 76
I dated one for a while too, but her speech was a lot easier on the 'ole ears than those guys. :lol:

"Now b'ys...W'in I sez "da b'ys", y'all sez "da Jesus"." Ha! Freakin' priceless! :lol:
Nonskimmer said:
I dated one for a while too, but her speech was a lot easier on the 'ole ears than those guys. :lol:

"Now b'ys...W'in I sez "da b'ys", y'all sez "da Jesus"." Ha! Freakin' priceless! :lol:


This girl I dated was living in Moncton, i was there on a work assignment....

I remember quite well, after a dinner or a movie she'd say - "Weed be goin bak do ya otel, eh?" :evil4:
Pisis said:
Isn't Pamela Anderson originally from BC? :lol:
As a matter of fact she is. She's from Vancouver. Therefore she's obviously not a Newfie, and thank god for that. :rolleyes:

Christ, I can't stand that dumb b*tch. I personally don't even find her that attractive anymore. Big titties maybe, but the milage is beginning to show.

Incidently though, Shannon Tweed is from Newfoundland. She's the one Gene Simmons has been having "relations" with off and on for the past buncha years. They have a couple of kids too I think.
Like I always said about Pamela Anderson, she was cute when she was in her 20s (when she posed for Playboy for the first time). Now, 16 years or so later, she looks like she had some bad surgery around her nose. You can't fight nature...
Buddy there's not too much natural about that creature. Christ, there's more silicon in her body than in Death Valley.

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