Kevin J
Before WW2, the RNAS primarily operates Sea Gladiators and is in the process of re-equipping with Spitfires for the defence of ports and naval dockyards. The RFC has completed re-equipment with Hurricanes, no more Hawker Furies in service. What happens now? Do Spitfires get sent abroad asap to defend its overseas naval bases at Gibraltar, Malta, Alexandria, Singapore etc., etc? What is the role of the RFC in the defence of the UK? Industrial areas, army bases? Who gets to operate which bombers and why? For instance, does the RNAS operate the Whitley followed by the Lancaster because of their superior range and therefore usefulness for maritime patrol. Is it the float equipped MB 2 that gets to operate from the FCS and CAM ships or perhaps a float equipped Spitfire. Does the Seafire arrive earlier. The RNAS also gets the Hampden for mine laying, torpedo bombing and general reconnaissance. A separate RAF is planned for use as a specialist atomic bombing force, assuming the Americans let us have some of the bombs that we've helped them develop; what plane do they choose. So this is a general who gets what and why. Your thoughts please gentlemen.