Not really warbirds part Two... Operation Deep Freeze ramp

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi guys, a few shots from the Operation Deep Freeze ramp at Christchurch Airport, New Zealand. As y'all know, Deep Freeze is the USAF's air operation to Antarctica and at this time of the year, the ramp at Christchurch gets quite colourful. This year the Italians are here and an AMI C-130J has been making frequent flights to The Ice in support of the Italian scientific mission there.

The New York Air National Guard has been providing LC-130s for years, using the distinctive LC-130H with modified props.






There can be as many as three C-17s here at any given time.




The AMI Herc; not a common sight in these parts.




Thanks for looking.
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To add to this, I captured the AMI Herc departing for Antarctica. Italy has a research station, Zuchelli Station on the edge of Terra Nova Bay with its own airstrip, so it doesn't need to use Williams Field, adjacent to McMurdo Base, the largest Antarctic settlement, on the Ross Ice Shelf, which is where the ski-equipped NYANG Hercs and C-17s operate from.






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