Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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heres one I tryed to upload but it never loaded for me so I thought I would try here ,maybe its formatted wrong ,hell I don't know.


  • the lone wolf.jpg
    11.8 KB · Views: 135
I need help. I want to upload this image as my sig, but when I try I get a message "Unable to save image".




  • sbd-photo3-a.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 261
Hi to all,

A pic you want to be a siggy has to be uploaded somewhere in the forum before you start.

1. Click on your uploaded pic with right mouse button, and then choose "Properties" option.
2. The new window will be opened.In the window find URL address of your pic.Then click directly on the address with left mouse button and then hit "Ctrl and a" keys together.
3. The URL address should become underlight.And then hit "Ctrl and c" ones together.
4. Close the window with "OK" button.
5. Go to the top of the forum site and click with left mouse button "User CP" option.The new site will be opened.
6. On left you will find "Control panel/Settings Options" with "Edit signature" option.Choose this one.
7. Next window will be opened.There you have to write "
.Then set the cursor between the "
words and then hit "Ctrl and v" keys together.It will paste your URL address of the pic between the "img" tags.

Warning !!! I use here inverted commas in order to avoid the system reaction.In your writing these commas must be omitted.

8. If the text is written click with left mouse button "Save signature" button below the window and enjoy your new siggy.

That's all. I hope I helped a bit.
Well I must be a bone head ,Im not getting any luck on this. I tryed uploading to photo bucket and trying to copy paste in op 1 box but Im not having any luck. not sure on these instructions you have on how to do this.
something clearer maybe might help. even with my sig size right its still to large in file size so uploading from my hard drive is not working. Help!
They have graphics programs, Pb, that our little Paint programs yearn to be when they grow up. Would love to be able to crop, cut and paste and use layers and.....

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