old Lockheed airplane???

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Oct 5, 2006
I'm gonna try to link a view on Google maps of an old airplane in a yard that I drove by today. It's about 40 mi from where I live. Looks like and OLD Lockheed Electra type plane with the twin tails, but I don't know much about it. It's missing the wings outboard of the engines but it does have the engines from what I could see. Sorry bout the the quality of this post and link, but I'm leaving for work in five mins. If this doesn't work I'll try to repost it tomorrow.

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=o'hare+airport&sll=41.243843,-80.575182&sspn=0.243175,0.620728&ie=UTF8&ll=41.988907,-87.905045&spn=0.000832,0.002414&t=h&z=14&output=embed&s=AARTsJpBEspOMbcq-UHS2FxuMDmOwLFqHQ"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=o'hare+airport&sll=41.243843,-80.575182&sspn=0.243175,0.620728&ie=UTF8&ll=41.988907,-87.905045&spn=0.000832,0.002414&t=h&z=14" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
It didn't work. Sorry. The plane is on rt. 305 just East of Hartford OH, slightly NW of Sharon Speedway. It's on North side of RT. 305 between Rt. 7 and Custer/Orangeville Rd. in case you want to try to find it.
Well, I did find it, or think I did. I thought I saved the location, but didn't.
Next time you go looking for it, see if there are two cars in the driveway, one of them red.

I think you found it ccheese. It's to the right of the cars you mention under a tree, on a fairly large farm. I'll be over that way in the spring, I'll get some photos if anyone is interested.
I stopped today and talked to the woman at the house where this airplane is. She says its a Beech not a that was used during WW2 as far as she has been told. She and her husband are using it for a storage shed and don't want to part with it.

I had only seen the tail when I passed it last weekend so I wasn't sure exactly what it was.


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One other thing, I guess that they have the wings also. They were removed for transport.
Same thing A4, C-45 Expeditor was the USAAF terminology for the Beech 18 in transport use, it was also known as the Navigator or Kansan when used as a navigation or bombing/gunnery trainer.
Thanks, I'm glad I could contribute a little to the forum after visiting for years. It's a shame to see and old plane just sit and go downhill like that. The owner says that they are constantly catching kids etc. trying to steal parts off of it and whatnot. I wouldn't be surprised if it just gets scrapped when the price of aluminum goes back up.
RG, have you thought about trying to find like-minded people who would be interested in restoring her? You could then maybe mention to the current owners that should they ever want to part with her, to let you know first, and so ensure she ends up in good hands. Just an idea.

(Thanks too BT and Joe, learnt something from both of yas!)
I've turned a friend of mine and his father onto this plane. They both have much more first hand experience with aircraft like this (I have none) and if nothing else they have other contacts that may be interested. I left my contact info with the owners and they did seem to appreciate the fact that I was genuinely interested in it and its history instead of someone looking to make a buck by hauling away their "junk". So hopefully it won't just disappear someday.

When I see an old plane like that, I don't see a pile of scrap. I wonder what sights and places an old machine like that had seen in its day and what stories it could tell.
No worries A4, after the amount I've learned here (about PC games, modeling and killing spammers, as well as WWII aviation!), it's always nice to be able to put a little something back in 8)
If the old aeroplane is just a storage shed for them...just offer to buy a NEW shed or out building for them in exchange.

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