On The Deck

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Jet engine testbed on that Lanc>?

Edit it's a Lincoln, either RA643 flew with a Bristol Phoebus turbojet in the bomb bay, and SX971 had an afterburning Rolls-Royce Derwent mounted ventrally

Second and now correct edit.
The photo is published as part of the Contents page in "Lincoln at War" by Mike Garbett and Brian Goulding. It shows a RAF Lincoln doing a low level beat up with No's 1,2, and 4 engines (props that is) feathered. The caption states:

"It needs nerve to take a picture like this! With three props feathered and barely eight feet off the deck - less under the HsS radome -the near -30 ton RF 346 is an awesome sight as she bears down on the cameraman at TFU Defford, September 1949, flown by New Zealander Flt Lt Alan Gibson DFM. Very low flying (usually on four engines) was part of experiments involving proximity fuse testing." The photo came from the Royal Radar Establishment.
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