Opinions? Z-M Ta152?

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Stephen Craig

Oct 13, 2017
I am interested in the opinion of the Z-M kit of the Ta152. The one specifically I have is in 1/32. I know at least two of you have built this kit in the two scales (hopefully more), and would appreciate a quick response on your experience with the kit, especially their modular design concept and any fit issues. I've read about JKim's on his 1/48, and was interested in if that was issue with all their kits.


I'm the 'One of them' Group Build 13 'Favourite Aircraft of all time'
I think the Ta152 is a Great kit, BUT you do need to get your parts prepared right and dry fit lots to get everything lined up right.Check multiple times before committing glue .... if you get it right things go well, mine did.
Study the steps to see how things will go together now and as you go forward it's definitely not a simple kit, but it's not complicated either.
Still have another H-1 and H-0 in 1/32 and 2 H-1 in 1/48 to do.....

Know of others on the net that had issues and were not impressed....i do suspect they didn't get everything 'just right'
Thanks Wayne. I've been reading your thread on it but haven't finished it yet. Will have to ponder this some more to decide if I'm ready for it, or if I would be better off doing a HAS Dora.

Thanks again for your insight.
I think Wayne would the best source of info for the 1/32 kit since he built it and did a fantastic job of it. I thought the Z-M 1/48 kit of the Ta152H-1 was good but not great. Some really great details (engine) but some lackluster areas (instrument panel) as well. I personally like to build aircraft that will be buttoned up with no open panels so obviously the Z-M approach to model design isn't aimed at builders like me. I'm on my 2nd 1/32 Hasegawa D-9 model and I can heartily recommend it. It's a very good kit, goes together well and doesn't have any options for open panels, which I prefer. I've chosen to upgrade my Dora builds with aftermarket but I don't think it is necessary for... I look at them as enhancements rather than necessary corrections.
Thanks John. Have decided to go with the Dora next, and wait on the Ta152. I have a fair amount of aftermarket stuff for it as well, now I just need to decide what to use. Have you used the Eagle Editions cockpit in either of your Dora's? It looks beautiful, but I'm always leery when I have to do plastic surgery on the resin kits. I prefer "drop in" or "add to" instead of doing major surgery. Have also learned the hard way that some of the AM stuff just doesn't work out as well as their pictures show.
I used the Eagle Editions cockpit on Black 1. There is definitely some surgery required to make it fit... removal of the molded details on the insides of the fuselage and the thinning. You also have to saw off the instrument panel cowling to accommodate the resin replacement.

I understand the reluctance to pull the trigger on some of these aftermarket sets. In terms of completeness, all I personally NEEDED from an aftermarket cockpit set for the Hasegawa Dora cockpit are the seat harnesses. Other than that, it's just a matter of whether or not an upgrade is worthwhile.

The way the cockpit gets hemmed in by the fuselage sides definitely limits the view into the cockpit, so that is a consideration too. I thought the upgrade was worthwhile and it wasn't terribly difficult to make the necessary modifications. I opted to use the rear sill cut from the kit cockpit tub instead of the supplied PE decking. And I used HGW harnesses instead of the PE belts supplied with the Eagle Editions set. But otherwise, the cockpit on Black 1 is from Eagle Editions.
That is a beautiful job, and thanks for the info. I might give it a try now after hearing your take on it.

Thanks again for all your help. I have a lot from reading your threads on Ta152 and Dora's On some I have already gone back again to reference some of your comments. They are very helpful with your pictures and comments. Was going to do a search to find more of your build articles unless you know a way I can see them all listed?

Anyway, thanks again for the help. I really appreciate it.

You're welcome! I've always appreciated detailed builds and have referenced other people's work for my benefit so I thought I'd do the same. It helps me too because I now have a "journal" of past builds that I can refer to. Especially helpful when you build the same kit more than once. I think you have my 190 Langnasen builds covered...

1/48 Hobby Boss Fw190D-9 "Blue 12"
**** DONE: 1/48 Fw190 D-9 "Blue 12" - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

148 Zoukei-Mura Ta152H-1 "Green 9"
**** DONE: 1/48 Ta 152H - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

1/32 Hasegawa Fw190D-9 "Yellow 11"
**** DONE: 1/32 Fw 190D-9 - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

1/32 Hasegawa Fw190D-9 "Black 1"
1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190D-9 "Black One"

Good luck on your build! I hope to see some of your work!

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