P-38 or Mosquito?

Which was better?

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There you go, so you see, the extra weight of the radar had very little effect on the performance.

lanc, what the fuck are you on, you typed that in the first place

What Im trying to say is that its stupid to say that the Mossie is better than the P-38 for nightfighting, (it would also be stupid to say the P-38 was better at it than the Mossie)

BTW, I was intending "superb" to be a better word than "great".


  • p38m.jpeg
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In an operational sense, the -38 was a better day fighter, and the Mossie was a better night fighter....

To compare the 2 is silly.... Was the Mossie a better nightfighter than the -38 was a dayfighter???? Thats like comparing Apples to Carrots in Alaska....

In Europe, the Mossie was better than the -38... In the Pacific, the -38 was better than the Mossie....
"In Europe, the Mossie was better than the -38... In the Pacific, the -38 was better than the Mossie.... "

i'll agree with that........................
If you didnt then I really would question your intellect. I reckon that the P-38 was better in Europe though than the Mossie was in the Pacific.
yes, but it's because they didn't serve i don't say "i think the mossie would have been good in the pacific" because i don't know that, it's because the nightfighter P-38 didn't enter service you can't say it would have been better than the mossie at it, because you don't know that...................
Hang on, did you actually bother to read my other post or not?

These were just entering service when the war ended. The P-38M saw operational service in the Pacific in the last few days of the war. It was an effective night fighter with very little performance penalty over the standard single-seat Lightning.

Obviously you didnt.
but the mossie was extremly combat proven, it was the best night fighter the allies had and one of the most feared planes of the war, even FW-190 pilots were scared of it..................

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