P-38 or Mosquito?

Which was better?

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I guess this will show my preference! ;)


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getting back I think to page 12 of this long thread. The M 262 nf pilots were not afraid of anything in fact they kenw they had the superior plane to the Allies for nf work.

the P-38 could not work out do to the cramped quarters ofr a radar operator and this had already been releived by the P-61 in the Pacific during 1944. there were many flight comparisions between the Mossie and the Widow and the Weidow won primarily becaouse US crews did not want to transfer over to a British a/c. this was not the case for the US nf crews in the Med who flew the Beu and the Mossie and they were quite happy with their mounts. the P-38 was kpet in the ETO not as a fighter vs fighter a/c but for the stable platofrm as a ground attack a/c agasint any thin armor and MT columns while the P-51's especially of the 8th AF were kept on high altitude work agasint bomber killing German a/c.

We must look at the roles played by both the Mossie and P-38 and the strongest sphere for the Mossie was the ETO where the Mossie was used in all sorts of combat radius, even an anti ship a/c. the performance as an RAF night a/c is unsuprassed in the protective/intruder roles, the unit as a pathfinder and jamming a/c as well. It was well suited to these tasks that the P-38 would not have been able to fill.

to compare the two at this length is somewhat silly guys; maybe this should be simply broken down into two seperate threads by listing the attributes and the faults of each of the two a/c, and please none of the "which is the better looking a/c"
neither is a droop snoot gents. both F-5 recon versions but with different camera set-ups as seen if you look closely. The 34th prs has one of the best individual web-sites I have ever seen along with it's sister 33rd prs which were the eyes of Patton in his drives through Europe.

E ~
This has been probably the most successful thread ever on the site. There has been lots of heated discussion and information, with very little spam.

I also believe the Mosquito had more faults than the P-38.
but how do you know this that the mossie had more faults; are you comparing the different variants with each other to come with this type of conclusions ? what are you basing this on ?
Yep, some other time though, Im rather tired now though and dont feel like gathering evidence. I will do it though.

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