P-38 or Mosquito?

Which was better?

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but if i'm your padawan i need to be following your lead, as im'a bomber fan, you're a fighter fan, how's that possible??

does this make me the dark lord of the sith??
Sometimes Padawans dont follow their masters views and strife ensues... this can lead to the Dark Side....

Fear Leads to Anger, Anger Leads to Hate, and Hate Leads to Suffering.....

I would definatly not consider u THE Dark Lord of the Sith, but more like a Dark Jedi that has learned the ways of the Light Side and choose to use both for ur own benefit, similar to a Jedi Mercinary....
Dude, I would have any plane in neutral aluminium if i could have the chance. Paint adds weight and air resistance, i am not a fan of paint.
Hi folks... excellent (if a tad long) thread.

According to Williams Green's "Fighting Aircraft of WWII" (which I've lost) the Mossie dropped 16mph from its max airspeed when painted matt black.
Stands to reason, really. Matt paint is rougher than gloss. But still surprising.

I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that the Mosquito was the better aircraft. Or maybe it was the Lightning...

Cheers, GW
...Sorry, I thought there was a lively extended 'discussion' going on here, which had gone a bit quiet. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
A question re the Mossie (but not perhaps relevant to comparisons with the P38) : Apparently it was said that the Mosquito could take the same bomb load to Berlin as the Flying Fortress (crew of 11?). It also did it quicker and used less fuel. Now that's REALLY something, if true. Anybody out there with proof?

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