The P-51 wing from XP51 through P-51B/D was the same wing/airfoil NAA/NACA 45-100. Only the root chord was changed on the P-51D to accommodate the new Gear Door and wheel uplock design. You may be thinking about the XP-51F/G/J and P-51H which had straight leading edge and different (but same T/C) NACA 66-(1.8) 15.5 airfoil.I did the math and got a different delta and numbers than you did
Empty: 6988 pounds
Guns & Ammo: 7686 pounds (delta: 698 lbs) 270 (guns) + 422 (ammo) at 1 pound per 3 rds plus links
Fuel in Wings: 8790 pounds (delta: 1104 lbs) Correct for 184 gallons wing only
Empty: 7205 pounds Includes 55 pounds for the actual fuselage tank
Guns & Ammo: 8239 pounds (delta: 1034 lbs) Correct 414 (guns) + 620 (ammo) " " " for 1880rnds
Fuel in Wings: 9343 pounds (delta: 1104 lbs) Correct
Center Tank: 9853 pounds (delta: 510 lbs) Correct
P-51D had 1043 pounds vs 900 pounds on the P-51B (I've found a multitude of different weight figures for the P-51B also, I'm not sure what to make of them), though in truth it would be more like 533-713 because in combat you would have already either drained the center tank or had 30 gallons at max present.
Combat came at unexpected times. Center tank usage SOP was to burn 20-25 gallons in climb up to cruise and then switch to externals. On Very Long missions center tank was conserved until after drop tanks released.
As for turning performance, the P-51D had a slightly different wing and less drag. With the turning circle can I just vary the weight difference, or is this going to require more complicated calculations due to the wing and drag?
I'm not sure if I missed something, but why would you want to reduce FTH on the P-51D's over the P-51B/C if they're being used as bomber escorts?
If you are playing with 'textbook' turning radius calculations, Drag and Engine/Prop Efficiencies and HP as f(altitude) are not factors, and not realistic nor consistent with real world. A factor missed by the gamers, and very elusive, is the Form Drag increase as a function of Angle of Attack which is derived from wind tunnel and for axis symmetric flight only. Asymmetric flight conditions with side loads, rudder and elevator trim increments also introduce Trim Drag.
Basically, if you are serious, you need to also add cooling drag for the P-51 which is significant as high speed exhaust thrust neutralized the Cooling Drag but in Climb was a Major factor, The latter factors contribute to increments to Power Required in addition to incremental form drag and trim drag discussed above.
To the Power Available from the manufacturer charts (which sometimes include ram effect), you also need to calculate Exhaust gas Thrust. To take into consideration the Engine/Prop efficiency you have to carefully look at the airspeed and altitude because the Prop efficiency falls off in high AoA/Low speed envelope (as in high G turn).