P-39 n-0 vs yak 9

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I will love England forever despite Euro 2020!
May 25, 2021
New Ansterdam
P-39 vs yak 9 who would win

I know you guys hate me referring to mil sims but war thunder has the yak-9 and the p-39n-0 in the same battle rating
you guys shit on the p-39 so much so I'm confused?
Overall which plane is better in real life yak-9 or p-39?
maybe add the la-5 to the mix
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I refuse to craminate this thread.

Don't give me a P-39,
It flies like a giant bovine,
It'll tumble and roll,
And fishtails like a tadpole,
So, don't give me a P-39.

Just so you know, in this forum, it is strictly taboo to speak of the legendarily-mediocre P-39. It brings seven years of bad post ratings ...

Some beer is indicated.
Dont worry, the sims angle will make it really interesting.
so the yak 9 is better?
The Russians somehow managed to get the Germans to fight at low to modest altitudes, where the P-39 wasn't disadvantaged. And the Russians used the advantages of the P-39, such as up close and personal with that 37mm cannon, decent low altitude speed and a decent turn radius. I'm sure some Germans knew to stay away from their opponents strengths, but maybe an overly enthusiastic command structure ordered their pilots to in affect throw away their planes' advantages.

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