Benevolens Magister
Here's the pics I promised. sorry that some are on the small side, that's the way I received them.
They show the Upper feedway door, the main gun bay, the outer side of the upper feedway door with the latches open, and the K14 gunsight and cockpit. Note that the line around the 'basic six' instruments was, in WW2, yellow tape. It was designed to focus the attention easily on these vital instruments, when a pilot could be tired and stressed, often flying in very poor weather conditions, on a long trip across Europe.
I hope these are helpful.
They show the Upper feedway door, the main gun bay, the outer side of the upper feedway door with the latches open, and the K14 gunsight and cockpit. Note that the line around the 'basic six' instruments was, in WW2, yellow tape. It was designed to focus the attention easily on these vital instruments, when a pilot could be tired and stressed, often flying in very poor weather conditions, on a long trip across Europe.
I hope these are helpful.
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