P-51D "Mustang" vs. Fw-190 "Dora"

American luck, or German engineering art?

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Attacking Bombers with Fighter Escort
With American fighter aircraft now providing round trip protection for the bomber formations, German interception tactics were once again modified.

Recalling prior experiences with the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain, Luftwaffe fighters were deployed in "Big Wings" to engage the enemy en masse. Modified Fw -190's with additional frontal and cockpit armor joined standard Bf-109's in formations of up to 100 aircraft, referred to as Sturmgruppen. The lighter, more agile Bf-109's would occupy the American escorts as waves of Fw-190's, in tightly spaced vee's of a dozen or more, assaulted the bombers.

Who discredited anything that US pilots said? No one, but you chose not use anything but allied reports and accounts.
No colin you are ignorant, you no nothing, just a bag of wind with no experience and no common sense, but a big ego and chip on your shoulder. you probablyhave no life, no friends. grow up little boy, oh, by the way, I also know this is your web site, I could see from the demerit you gave me, how childish, ydo ou also go by DerAdlerIstGelandet?
Don't let the door catch your ass on the way out...
And then you come to the discussion with "What I did not like is the attitude that you brought into the discussion, as well as making claims that are not true."

Actually I said that. Not Colin...

It is not that simple. You are again excluding to many factors. This is not the microsoft simulator video game here...

mike526 said:
Just your condescending attitude and your "non superficial understanding of that aspect of the air battle."
You sure convinced me Colin! You win Ace!

So who are you talking to here? Me or Colin...

Actually me and Colin are two different people.

I am however a moderator here.

This is rather funny. You think we are the same people!

Now having said that:

1. You know nothing about my experience or knowledge.
2. I have no ego or chip on my shoulder.
3. I share quite a good life with my friends and wife, funny you should bring that into the argument? Very childish I say.
4. I am a grown ass man, not a lil boy.
5. I do not own this site, I just happen to be a moderator in it.
6. I like to study these aircraft from many different points of view and aspects, not just those that prove that my point. You should try it sometime.
7. I am not Colin!
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Was that from an Osprey book or the back label of the latest flight sim game?
put away your flight sim flyboy (colin), it was

Luftwaffe Day Interception Tactics
German Fighter Pilot Methods for Attacking USAAF Strategic Bombers
by Andrew C. Rappold

but with your keen understanding of air warfare, i am sure you knew that
something it did say, and notice the lighter more agile me-109?

Recalling prior experiences with the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain, Luftwaffe fighters were deployed in "Big Wings" to engage the enemy en masse. Modified Fw -190's with additional frontal and cockpit armor joined standard Bf-109's in formations of up to 100 aircraft, referred to as Sturmgruppen. The lighter, more agile Bf-109's would occupy the American escorts as waves of Fw-190's, in tightly spaced vee's of a dozen or more, assaulted the bombers.
so I'm DerAdlerIstGelandert AND FlyboyJ now? Oh, and the site owner of course...
Boy I get around - and you're a fruit-loop.

Did you say you flew airliners? Full of people?

It is interesting to note, at least to me, that more ETO fighter pilots respected the Fw 190 at middle to low altitudes than the 109 and in the 8th AF approximately 2500 Me 109s were credited in contrast to the 1900+ Fw 190 - and remember a lot of the 190s that went down air to air were the 190A-8's which were at a huge disadvantage at 25,000 feet. Only two Mustang groups were credited with more Fws than Me 109s - the 339th and 364th and those by small margins.
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I've served in the military and have flown military aircraft (as a civilian). You're spouting off things I've learned 40 years ago. Understand that you are not talking to a bunch of pudknockers and we've probably forgotten more than you could ever read. And I speak more for some of our members than I do myself.
guys - you may have pulled the trigger a little too soon - it really was getting pretty funny! You can't watch monkeys screw for a qurater and this was for free! Er, quarter.

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