P-61, as close to real as I could get...

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It certainly is an interesting subject. A particular part that facinates me is the Fernnachtjagd campaign against Britain, although it was only a minor part of the conflict.
What can you tell me about that part of the conflict?

Well, it began with I./NJG2 in 1940, they ceased operating in '41 after an order from Hitler. Small scale intruder activity (in addition to their primary bombing missions) was undertaken by 5./KG 2 in 1943. In 1944 5./KG 2 became the nucleus of II./KG 51, a specialist unit formed for intruder missions. Their greatest success was on the night of 22/23 April 1944 against Mission 311 of the USAAF.

Then of course there was Unternehmen Gisela...

If you can get hold of Dr Theo Boiten's two volume work "The Nachtjagd Diaries" and "Intruders Over Britain" by Simon W. Parry from your local library it'll be worth the trouble.
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what do you want to know, had a LW vet in the Famile that was an ace killed in his Bf 110G-4 in December of 43.

having been a former friend/member of the now defunct US NF association may interest you as well. several friends now deceased in the 425th nfs and the 422nd nfs. I have the complete micro-fische of several US NFS serving in the TO plus the main interest in the LW nf's from 43 till wars end.

nice Widow by the way.

E ~
I'm hungry for any information I can gleen from anyone about night fighters. I'm afraid my knowledge about the LW NF is very limited. I would like to know what their shifts were like when they went flying. I would like to know how those planes really handled, what they liked and didn't like about the planes they flew. Any pictures of NF aircraft would be most beneficial. I know that there were several NF over Europe but I don't know all the types aircraft there were. I am aware of the Ju88, Do 217, Me 110, and the He 219. I know that some of the early NF were single seat fighters that just looked for contrails. I also am aware of the Me 262 variant. I only know of three general variations for the British. The Japanese had one as well as the Russian and French. I'm not aware of any others. Can you tell I'm eager to learn more?
I would like to know what their shifts were like when they went flying.

Several months ago I emailed Herr Peter Spoden, Gruppenkommandeur I./NJG6 about the rigours of nightfighting and how little rest was effecting the pilots. He replied:

"Indeed sleeping was a problem-at daytime the US-fleet came and were attacking our airports and barracks with more than 1000 a/c. In the night the RAF with same number incl Mosquitos.
But we were young, and young people can sleep everywhere."

You might well want to read his book:

Very cool! Thanks. I love the P-61 Black Widow.


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Your Black Widow looks impressive, nice cockpit detail and good overall finish and look of the model.
I was reading up about the P61 recently and find it a fascinating aircraft, semingly one of the most technologically advanced and elite fighter aircraft of the war.

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