Was anybody else impressed or more appropriately, suprised, by the data in this particular test concerning the P39? The test states that the P39 is an even match for a Spitfire below 15,000 feet, not only out diving the Spitfire, but being faster, AND OUTCLIMBING THE SPITFIRE BELOW 15,000! I for one was flabbergasted when I read the test. Was anyone else?
Why, if in this test the P39 is a match for the Spitfire below 15,000 feet, does nearly everone shake their head in disbelief at the Soviets stating that the P39 was a match for a 109 or 190 up to 20,000 feet after the wing guns and some of the armor have been removed?
Was anybody else impressed or more appropriately, suprised, by the data in this particular test concerning the P39? The test states that the P39 is an even match for a Spitfire below 15,000 feet, not only out diving the Spitfire, but being faster, AND OUTCLIMBING THE SPITFIRE BELOW 15,000! I for one was flabbergasted when I read the test. Was anyone else?
Why, if in this test the P39 is a match for the Spitfire below 15,000 feet, does nearly everone shake their head in disbelief at the Soviets stating that the P39 was a match for a 109 or 190 up to 20,000 feet after the wing guns and some of the armor have been removed?