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I went too Southend airshow yesterday but getting any shots was very hard as with an overcast sky the lighting was flat as a pancake
heres a couple taken on a little digital so the quality is a bit duff. If any come out from my 35mm when I get them processed I'll scan them onto the thread.


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Its those 4 merlins that do it for me Skim.
The new Typhoon was really what I went for. It sure can pull some turns he was pulling 6 gs but the plane is rated at -3 too +9
His slow pass was at 100 kph with 30 degree nose up it was far more manuverable than the Jaguar or the Tornado.
If you want to get close to the planes at the Southend Airshow try going to the Airport. Most of the planes are based there for the show and you can get very close to them as the car park is in the middle of the Airport, inside the perimiter track. The planes are parked one side of the runway and the car park is the other side.
trackend said:
Its those 4 merlins that do it for me Skim.
The new Typhoon was really what I went for. It sure can pull some turns he was pulling 6 gs but the plane is rated at -3 too +9
His slow pass was at 100 kph with 30 degree nose up it was far more manuverable than the Jaguar or the Tornado.

Lucky bastard...Id love to see a Typhoon :D
1300hrs and it was packed the local rag reckoned around 100,000 spectators.
Oh and just to add the Typhoon bit the pilot demonstrated the auto recovery capability by putting the aircraft in a banking dive and releasing the controls the plane corrected its attitude and set its self into a 300 knot slow assent
i went to yeovil a couple of years ago it's a great show, the traditional close is a airborne marine assault on the ruway it's truely amazing with about 15 helicopters and harriers flying around, then they all, whilst still in flight, line up over the runway and they bow to the crowd, amazing stuff.........
that whas my main memory of yeovil whas the marine assult. personaly for me the jets dont interest me alot. i prefer old warden for what they fly and you are so close to everything.
well skimmey maybe we can chip in together and buy our own lanc! right, i have £18, any chance you've got £30,000,000+ lying around?

and the old planes are very appealing but then again the new ones are very impressive too............

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