Photos of Ugly airplanes

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errr guys, do you wanna keep the pictures of British aircraft to a minimum? so far all the British aircraft posted have been visions of beauty..........
Hello BlackWolf3945 -

I'm a Moderator on the Luftwaffe Experten Message Board. Under the General Topic of Captured aircraft (my favorite subject), there are separate sections for Great Britain, France, Italy etc. Look under the Captured France section, scroll down to Payen Pa 22. Several photos have been posted along with 3 very clean photos including the one posted above.

Luftwaffe Experten Message Board (Luftwaffe Experten Message Board)

I'd provide a direct link to the thread, but I've been told previously that the link didn't work unless you joined the Board (which is quite painless). Lots of great photos and discussion if you are interested in anything related to the Luftwaffe.

Another really good Website is All About Warfare. Also very painless to join.........:

All About Warfare II - Aviation Board (Powered by Invision Power Board)

The Board Admin only permits posting of original photos and there are quite a large number of very unique photos posted.....including over 14 or so pages of original Beute photos posted by Jan van den Heuvel. He and a few other contributors regularly purchase original photos on at outrageous prices and then very graciously post high res photos which any Board member can download.

There are also gobs of original WWII Finnish AF photos, if anyone is interested in that topic.

Certainly worth a look........

errr guys, do you wanna keep the pictures of British aircraft to a minimum? so far all the British aircraft posted have been visions of beauty..........

Strangely, I have to agree. While the British aircraft are extra-ordinary they have a brutal beauty about them. Thus my analogy of the Blackburn to the Boeing 747SP. I find a beauty in things like the Brabazon. Now I'm going contradictory to this thread, but perhaps not. This airplane is so ugly that it is utterly beautiful.


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Ok, I've found a few more photos of non-French aircraft that may not be exactly ugly, but do give me the willies for some reason.

I've sat in larger planes on a merry-go-round (not recently though).

For some reason, a nose engine just doesn't look right on this airplane. Do a nose job and this would be a nice looking plane.

No comment.

It's a prototype so some grace must be given on that account. Again, not exactly ugly, but there just something about this plane.......


An optimist thinks: Ah, a glass that is half full.

A pessimist thinks: Oh, a glass that is half empty.

An engineer thinks: Ow: someone wasted money buying a glass that is twice as big as it needs to be to hold that much water.


If you start to see a little light at the end of the tunnel, it is time to order more tunnel.

Anonymous engineer.
HP Heyford. It was actually well liked, but extraordinarily homely.

Well, I for some strange reason, really like that airplane. :oops: To me the Heyford is a thing of beauty. I mean, any twin engine bomber that survived a loop cannot be all bad. :blob5:
I'm going to try to make on in a larger scale, maybe 1/32, or make a flying radio control model in a larger scale.
Does anybody now if a flying model of this airplane was ever made? I would like to get plans for a flying model of it. :love4:
Come to think of it, it might be ugly, the Bristol Freighter/ Superfreighter, but I wonder what impact, if any, it might have had on transport/airborne operations, if it had been available in WW2?
The Bristol "Frightener" and the Blackburn Beverly may not have been beautiful but the design was mainly dictated by their role.... Both were very useful aircraft in their era.

It would have been hard to find another aircraft that could fill the role of the Beverley in the fighting in Radfan (South Yemen) and in Borneo in the 60s

I flew in Beverleys quite a few times in Aden and the Middle East during the 60s... slow but reliable. Also the first airplane I ever touched (parts of anyway) when I was an apprentice at Blackburns.

Borneo Air War

My Aden Story

Aden Index

Radfan Index
DHC 4 Caribou and C123 Provider were around back then

Also the Nord Noratlas and thr C119 Flying Boxcar but i'm not sure if any of them could carry 70 to 80 fully equiped troops or 45,000lbs payload...

The C123 Globemaster would be a closer comparison, bigger... but I don't think they could land on some of the unprepared strips like the Beverley .... in less that 1000ft.

The RAAF still uses the Caribou... they've been trying to find a replacement ever since i have been in Oz....

The Blackburn Beverley Association - Air Despatch and the Beverley


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Agree with you, Wingnuts. The Beverley was a beast of an aircraft; I remember the first time I went inside one, it was like walking inside a cathedral! Shame is, the last remaining (complete) one, at Hendon, was scrapped because of lack of room!
Of course, by todays standards, comparing against, say a Galaxy, the Beverley seems small, but what an idea, a double-decker para-dropping aircraft!
I don't mind the Bristol Freighter but the superfreighter thing is one Ugly! thing why airfix made a superfreighter and no not the older Freighter is beyond me

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