Photos of Ugly airplanes

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Airframes, The is still a Beverley in existence, it is at Fort Paull near Hull Yorkshire, east of Hull on the bank of the river Humber. It was formerly at the Museum of Army Transport in the town of Beverley it was dismantled and moved when the museum closed.

Fort Paull : Exhibits
Thanks, wingnuts! It's some time since I'd heard about the Hull one, and at the time, it's future looked in doubt, with talk of it being scrapped. Glad to hear it's still there!
The DHC 4 Caribou was used a lot in Vietnam. I remember a ride or two that were so thrilling I almost forgot where I was and that there were bad guys around.
That's why mommy P-38s shouldn't drink and smoke when pregnant.
It's an odd thing that a military so focused on rapid mechanized offensives didn't develop their own IL-2 Sturmovik, with good performance, significant armour and heavy internal weaponry. Instead they relied too long on the slow, unprotected and lightly armed Stuka.

Make the Henschel Hs 129 larger to better fit the pilot, fit twin BMW radials for speed and lifting power, and right there you have a German warthog.
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You do realize that you're describing the Ju88P, right?

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