Physics for Dummies: At the Penalty of Sounding Real Stupid

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Wow....... could you expand on that a bit?

Definition of Mass

For the last 60 or so years the pound has been defined in terms of kilograms. That is, the pound is a unit of mass.

One slug has a mass of 32.1740 lb (14.59390 kg) based on standard gravity, the international foot, and the avoirdupois pound.
Slug (unit) - Wikipedia
You'd figure that would have some effect similar to density: I know there is an issue when free-divers go below a certain depth -- they start sinking rather than floating...
You'd figure that would have some effect similar to density: I know there is an issue when free-divers go below a certain depth -- they start sinking rather than floating...
Is that your only input to the thread you started? I don't actually know what question you are asking.
Okay, so pounds of force is not the same as a pound, but instead the amount of force a pound being accelerated to 1G (32.17405 f/s)? And pressure is the amount of force applied to a given unit of area, correct?

Question: I if I kick a (big) stone on the Earth probably I will hurt my foot. What about if I kick the same stone on the Moon?
I know there is an issue when free-divers go below a certain depth -
A diver, free or otherwise is under 14.7 psi of pressure at the surface. Diving down to the 33 foot level increases the pressure by another 14.7 PSI. According to the gas laws a doubling of pressure causes the volume to decrease by half. For an adult total lung capacity is 4 - 6 L so let's assume 5 L at the surface, at 33 feet that drops to 2.5 L. At 99 feet add another atmosphere of pressure so volume is 1/3 of the surface volume. At 231 feet another atmosphere so capacity is 1/4 or 1.25 L. Fat is less dense than water so that also determines flotation but somewhere around the 50 -60 foot level flotation gets negative.
The same sequence of volume reduction occurs with SCUBA tanks. In my day a steel tank held 72 cu ft of air at 2250 psi. Today's standard aluminium tank holds 80 cu ft at 3000 psi. A relaxed breath is 1 cu ft per minute but exertion and excitement can double/triple that rate. So at 99 feet you have 20 minutes at best supply of air. Most compressed air divers max out at 130 - 140 feet due to the narcotic effect of the nitrogen gas. Of course as you ascend pressure is decreasing so you get your gas volume back so your total underwater maximum time is 80 minutes
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Might as well ask another "physics for dummies" question, while I'm at it: There's this thing called the inverse square law, for every time the distance doubles, the energy is spread out more, so for twice the distance, you need four times the surface area to absorb/reflect.

That said, even the nearest stars are several light-years from Earth, and some stars we can readily see that are hundreds or even thousands of light years from Earth. Two stars that I can readily think of are Alpha and Beta Orionis, also known as Betelgeuse and Rigel, which are 700 and 870 light-years from earth, respectively. Some even further, and we can still see them, admittedly as little dots.

I'm surprised we could see anything from that kind of distance with the inverse square law in effect (and I'm not even factoring in atmospheric effects): Yet, we obviously *CAN* see the stars...

BTW: I know it's strange that some things I immediately grasp, even complicated things, and some things that are seemingly simple, fly right through me.
QUOTE="I'm surprised we could see anything from that kind of distance"
For a start, it shows just how big stars really are, and how much energy they put out. Even attenuated by distance, the light they emit will essentially travel forever unless the energy is deflected or absorbed by something.
So that narrows the focus of the question - the energy will be visible as long as it's not interrupted, but why can we see it?
Presumably, even diurnal hominids need to see in very low light, and possibly use stars for night navigation, so the ability to see such small pinpricks of light evolved in our ancestors and we have inherited that ability.
It is just that the numbers are huge, stars, and star systems are huge, they emit a huge amount of light so even after being attenuated by a huge distance there is still enough for our eyes to sense it.
How much energy would you say would be emitted off the surface of Rigel. Could that be computed if I could determine a rough diameter?

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