Pick Your Own Air Force

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the lancaster kicks ass said:

patriotism is still alive and well over here in britian.........

Patriotism for all intensive purposes is not allowed over here in Germany. There is no law against but if you are a overly patriotic they call you a Nazi! It realyl is a shame.
Yes if you are too proud of being a German over here the immigrants over here call you a Nazi so it is much better just not to be patriotic as my wife puts it. She considers it a shame that she can only fly the German flag in our house and not outside because some one will say she hates forigners and is a Nazi. It really is a shame.
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Yes if you are too proud of being a German over here the immigrants over here call you a Nazi so it is much better just not to be patriotic as my wife puts it. She considers it a shame that she can only fly the German flag in our house and not outside because some one will say she hates forigners and is a Nazi. It really is a shame.
Well that's just stupid! (The whole idea I mean, not your wife. ;) )
Foreigners will sometimes pull that kind of bullshit here too. Well let me tell ya, if proudly flying my nation's colours makes me some kinda Nazi or racist, then so be it! You're in my country now son, so if you wanna bitch about all things Canadian then go the hell home! :evil:

I'm not just blowing smoke here, I've actually done this on occasion! Once I was even in uniform. Got in a bit of trouble for it too. :rolleyes:
Damn, I hate ignorant people! Regardless of race or nationality!
I am not racist. I hate everyone equally!

Nonskimmer said:
Well that's just stupid! (The whole idea I mean, not your wife. )
Foreigners will sometimes pull that kind of bullshit here too. Well let me tell ya, if proudly flying my nation's colours makes me some kinda Nazi or racist, then so be it! You're in my country now son, so if you wanna bitch about all things Canadian then go the hell home!

I'm not just blowing smoke here, I've actually done this on occasion! Once I was even in uniform. Got in a bit of trouble for it too.
Damn, I hate ignorant people! Regardless of race or nationality!

I completely agree with you 100%!
right, we've had allot of newbies on here since this topic was famous on these forums, so i'm gonna attemt to bring it back to life, if you could pick any nine planes thatr saw service in WWII which would you pick?? you can have no more than nine, they can be from any nation but you must have atleast one transport and one trainer, read back to see what others have done if you wish..........
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I am not racist. I hate everyone equally!

Nonskimmer said:
Well that's just stupid! (The whole idea I mean, not your wife. )
Foreigners will sometimes pull that kind of bullshit here too. Well let me tell ya, if proudly flying my nation's colours makes me some kinda Nazi or racist, then so be it! You're in my country now son, so if you wanna bitch about all things Canadian then go the hell home!

I'm not just blowing smoke here, I've actually done this on occasion! Once I was even in uniform. Got in a bit of trouble for it too.
Damn, I hate ignorant people! Regardless of race or nationality!

I completely agree with you 100%!

So do I Adler, infact to be fair I even hate myself and have been trying to get myself deported :) any vacancies in Canada for a Nurse H grade and a rail signalling technical officer Skimm ?
Well Lanc since you are trying to revive this one I will make up a new list of 9 aircraft. It is probably different than my last but my views change everyday and here is a new one just to have a new one.

1. Bf-109G
2. Ta-152C
3. C-47
4. T-6 Texan
5. B-17G
6. Lancaster
7. Fw-190D
8. Tempest
1.Trainer; AT-6 Texan

2.Low-Alt/Fighter Bomber- FW-190A9 (Armour, radial, great armament)

3.High Altitude/Escort Fighter- Mustang III (Fast at all alts, long range, reliable Merlin)

4.Strike/Shipping/Intruder/Nusiance Bomber- Mosquito FB 26 (3 built, Merlin 72/76s) (Mossie with 2 stage High alt Merlian, 'nuff said)

5.Night-Fighter/Fast Medium Bomber- P-61C (Dedicated night fighter, VERY manouverable, 6000lb external bombload)

6.Heavy Bomber- Lancaster (Tall Boy, Grandslam, little short on defenisve firepower)

7.Short Range Interceptor- Spitfire Mk XIV (5,000 feet per min climb, outstanding at all alts)

8.Transport/Cargo- C-54D (C-47s big brother, long range version with R-2000-9s)

9.Ground attack/fighter-bomber/longrange escort- P-38L (another ace in the sleve to back up the Mustang, twin engine reliablity, great performance in hot/tropical areas, does everything well)
1: Trainer: T-6.

2: Transport: C-46

3: Interceptor: Spitfire 21

4: Escort: P-38

5: Night Fighter/medium bomber/ground attack/anti-ship (everything basically): Mosquito

6: Night Bomber: Lancaster

7: Day Bomber: B-29

8: Maritime Recon: PBY

9: Convoy Escort: B-24
I was thinking about the Fw-200 but then I thought the PBY could land in the sea and be picked up by ships if the need arose.

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