Pick Your Own Air Force

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Alot of people are choosing the P-61 black widow as a night fighter, rarely do i hear the night fighting Me-262, or the He-219 mentioned...the latter more than the former. Both aircraft would prove exceptional night fighters, the 262 more against mosquitos in the final days of the war, and the He-219 simply showing enormous potential, and exceptional performance. Granted the P-61 was a great aircraft, but the 219 offered a better pilot view, and often carried heavier armament.
My WW 2 Air force...

Trainer T-6 Texan (What else?)
Transport C-47 (Nuff said!)
Fighter/Escort/Interceptor P-51H (Sold American!)
Fighter Bomber P-47D ( We don't need no stinkin Dive bombers!)
Heavy Bomber Lancaster (We came, We saw, We bombed.)
Med. Bomber B-26 Marauder (That's right the Marauder.)
Night Fighter Do-335 (You heard me!)
Reconn/Fighter F-6 Mustang (Smile when you say that!)
Eight is enough for me...Oh OK one more.
Give me the Mosquito for an all rounder. (Pass the wood glue please!)

My first post...Busted that cherry! Was it good for you? ;)
Fighter/Intercept/Escort--P 51 B with drop tanks

Figher-bomber--P-40 and Mosquitoe

Naval Fighter--F4-F3 (four gun model, more on par with zeke in manuevering)

Night Fighter--P-61

Bombers--B29, B17 G

Recon-- PBY Catalina with late model all .50 cal mgs and heavier bombs

Thanks FLYBOYJ and P38 Pilot! :D

This is a great site and I was lucky to find it.
Oh btw I thought for sure someone would point out the Do-335 thing!
You know what they say about the best laid traps of mice and men...well
plans then. :lol:
Piaggio, only Italian 4 engined heavy bomber, and quite advanced for its time.


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there's allot of nice lists out there, i guess mine would be

trainer- tiger moth
transport- C-47

Heavy bomber- lancaster
Medium bomber- B-25 (or wellington)
strike/light bomber/night fighter-mossie
night/strike/anti-shipping fighter- beaufighter
maritime patrol/strike- sunderland
fighter/bomber- Fw-190A-8
long range escort- tempest (if not- P-51)

ok so it's baisically the RAF ;)
Just for the record,it is my understanding that the Lanc did take part in Daylight raids from 1944 onward. Not saying it could hold up like the Fort in daylight raids before 1944. Just getting it on the record. :)

The B-17 was built for Daylight raids and the Lanc for Night raids...the Fort for taking out a factory area and the Lanc for taking out a city, so to speak.
Both excellent aircraft each built for what it's country wanted it to do and it did it.
Thats the true test of any weapon IMHO.
any one seen the preserved f4f3 at O'Hare airport, cause that is the kind of naval model I'm talking about.


Naval Bomber: Dautless SBD-3

Anti-shipping/anti-material/invasion preparation: B25 H

Welcome aboard comrade F4D :D
Trainer: AT-6
Cargo: C-54, C-47
Bomber: B-29
Fighter: FW-190, Spitfire, P-51
Medium Bomber: B-25

I don't need anymore; I could win an airwar with these
Welcome to anyone I haven't welcomed (I'm lazy).

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