Pick Your Own Air Force

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The Bf-109K-4...Because it's fast, it has a very high service ceilling, it's robust...and...good looking too... 8)... an example of german engeniering...


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but crews absolutely loved the tiger moth, she was the perfect craft for anyone who'd never even flown before, and they sent plenty of pilots into combat after they'd gone from a tiger moth into early spits, they had allot of training in the plane they'd fly as well you know........
The Texan is a pleasure to fly. It is easy and handles really well. I got to go up in one at an Airshow in Hendersonville, NC and it was quite fun and just a plain joy all around.
ok here's my list, it was gonna be all british aircraft but i thought i'd better change that, so here goes...........

De Havilland Tiger Moth (trainer)
C-47 (transport)

De Havilland Mosquito (pretty much every roles possible)
Avro Lancaster (heavy bomber)
Bristol Beaufighter (fighter, anti-shipping)
Hawker Tempest (long range escort, ground attack)
Supermarine Spitfire (fighter)
Me-110 (bomber interceptor, nightfighter)
Me-262 (as above)

Me-262 B1 (trainer)
B-29 (Heavy Bomber)
Gloster Meteor MK. III (ground attack role, escort)
P-80 A or D.H. Vampire (air superiority fighter, escort)
He-162 A (against low level fighter sweeps)
Ar-232 B (recon plane)
Me-262 A (interceptor)
Ar-232 C (light bomber)
He-343 or Ju-287 (middle bomber, ship buster)
Me-262 B2 (nightfighter)

Jet age rules! 8)
Hows about this list then:
Night Bomber: Mosquito Mk35
Day Bomber: Moquito Mk35
Night Fighter: Mosquito MkXXX
Shipping strike and anti sub: Mosquito MkXVIII
Trainer: Mosquito TMkIII
Transport: there were mosquitos used for light transport
Day Fighter: Spitfire MkIX

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