Picture of the day (general)....

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-Maybe it's just me but I saw this photo, simply captioned as a P-38 Lightning but I think there might be more to the story. Yes, no, maybe??


  • P38_NOT.jpg
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Notice that the wing guns are missing. No doubt the local children pilfered them to set up a private AAA site.

I did read a letter that said a couple of kids stole a Browning from a bomber wreck and then a belt of ammo from a fighter crash and tried shooting at a 109 that flew over.
No, it's the "E-1" variant, which had 7.92mm machine guns in the wings, not the protruding barrels of 20mm cannon associated with the "E-3" and "E-4" variants.
What I find interesting, is that the holes in the fuselage don't look like they are from 0.303 guns, they look a lot like 20mm holes.

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