Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (1 Viewer)

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Good ideas Shinpachi but I think the 1 picture per day is a good idea it prevents the thread getting too big and unweildy. Possibly the mods might ask us to put one picture per day up and any other images that the poster thinks are relevant to the subject could be linked to instead or perhaps a link to a folder on the posters image hosting account.

I have been collecting pictures of specialist and engineering tanks in a folder on my Flickr account and one day when I get round to it I will put them all in order and post links. Putting all the pictures in a thread as would be a very long thread and use up a lot of bandwidth.

Most of if not all of the pictures I have posted recently have been Europe 44 to 45 because that is the period and location I am currently reading up on. I am looking for good books on the China/Manchuria theatre but unfortunately because of limited British involvement there is hardly any books to be had in Britain covering the 1930 to 1945 time period. I know there are some Chinese and Japanese books but they are not translated or are if they are available are frighteningly expensive.
Thank you very much for your kind comment again, fastmongrel
I wanted one theme for a post and forgot the sys's rule of one picture a post in the other thread.

Please do not hesitate to introduce your collection even though partially.
Not only I look forward to them but will mind any good data source on the China/Manchuria theatre for you.

Shanghai during the 2nd Sino-Japanese War in 1937.

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Nice pictures, Geo and fastmongrel

It was a long road to Nanjing and to Xuzhou as sung in a song.
Enlarged pictures taken at the time show unhappy faces of army soldiers.

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