Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (1 Viewer)

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Davao, Philippines in 1930.
I am surprised to find many Japanese settlers there like in Hawaii.
Looks peaceful time.

Port of Davao
Port of Davao.JPG

Davao Japanese Association
Davao Japanese Association.JPG

Industry in Davao - Hemp
Industry in Davao.JPG

Davao's Prominent Men
Davao's Prominent Men.JPG
Impressive shots, Andy :thumbright:

It still amazes me that the Australian Government sent the ashes of the Japanese sailors home. Niceties such as that were rare in the PTO.

Chivalry would be the warrior's wisdom to avoid unnecessary killings each other.
IJN had loosened its attack against the mainland of Australia since then.

Balikpapan in January 1942.

Makassar in February 1942.
"....Chivalry would be the warrior's wisdom to avoid unnecessary killings each other."

Would that be true, Shin, and in a rational situation it would be .... but Japanese resistance in the Pacific allowed for no surrender and was so fierce ... even when reason pointed to surrender it was rejected ... and given the overwhelming firepower that the Americans could bring to bear ... the result was the utter brutalization of defender and attacker alike.

In a modern world what kind of soldier extracts the gold teeth from the enemy wounded?

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