Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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Thanks every one

I recall seeing a picture of a derelict Heinkel He 118 or DXHe1 dive bomber post war with a GI standing in front of it. Have you ever come across this picture or am I dreaming?
Regards, Jim

I have no idea about the derelict He 118 but found a picture taken at kakamigahara, Gifu Prefecture.

A He118 V5 for IJA at Gifu factory of Kawasaki Aircraft in 1938.
The V4, aka DXHe1, for IJN is said crashed during test flight in early July 1938.
The news reel is brilliant, Shin, beautifully shot and directed ..... the action is .... what strikes me about this film is the musical score ..... totally Western ..... in the heroic tradition ... could be Pinewood or Rank studios in the UK. What does that tell us about the state of Japanese 'culture' at this time, 1942? The film is an artful blend of Japanese culture ..... nuanced and highlighted by a western score.
Truly a find, Shin

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