Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (6 Viewers)

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Nice pics, gents

Yokohama Customs Office.
This building was used as GHQ temporarily from September 2 to October 2, 1945, until the Dai-ichi building was ready for service. Later used as the headquarters for US 8th Army. Now a part of renewed Yokohama Customs Headquarters Building.

Source: 米第8軍の軍総司令部が置かれた横浜税関

GIs of the 127th Regiment of the 32nd Infantry Division watching a Japanese woman with a baby on her back in Sasebo on October 18, 1945. She might have been asked to check the foreign troops in the town by her local community because it would be uneasy moment for a young woman to walk alone though not alone this time IMO.

Source: Sasebo in the Postwar(1983)
GIs are always the same, "Cherchez la femme."

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