Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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My grandfather license from the spanish nationalist army with service record in the back.

Served in the civil war in a sanitary company.

From august 1937 in the Aragón front, including in Teruel in early 1938 (a very hard battle), in the Balaguer bridgehead (a bridgehead over the river Segre that withstand three republican counterattacks that kicked off exactly 41 years before I was birth, April 10th) and the offensive against Catalonia in late 1938 and early 1939.

Back home August 23rd, 1939, and first licensed October 2nd that same year.

Movilized again July 15th, 1940, also with the same company till the end of February 1944, when he was licensed again. In July 31st, 1955, he was fully licensed from the army.

As most spaniards, he fought with the side that won were he was after the start of the war, which in the Canary Islands was the nationalist one.

He died when I was a kid, so never manage to ask anything but I doubt that he would had answered something other than vagueness either. My mother told that he never told much about the war.


For your interest today some fliers and their aircraft from AEROiSAN and KIF.COM


  • IJN Nokiji Ikuta, Toshio Kuroiwa, and Kazuo Takeo with Nakajima A1N2 type 3 who scored the fir...png
    IJN Nokiji Ikuta, Toshio Kuroiwa, and Kazuo Takeo with Nakajima A1N2 type 3 who scored the fir...png
    559.6 KB · Views: 15
  • Mitsubishi 1MF3 type 'A-201' IJN Hosho Japan 1925 AEROISAN.png
    Mitsubishi 1MF3 type 'A-201' IJN Hosho Japan 1925 AEROISAN.png
    88.9 KB · Views: 14
  • Mitsubishi 1MF3 type 10 'A-250' Japan 1925 AEROISAN.png
    Mitsubishi 1MF3 type 10 'A-250' Japan 1925 AEROISAN.png
    75.5 KB · Views: 14
  • Mitsubishi 1MF3 type 10 fighter taking off from IJN Hosho Feb 22, 1923 NIF.COM .png
    Mitsubishi 1MF3 type 10 fighter taking off from IJN Hosho Feb 22, 1923 NIF.COM .png
    259.1 KB · Views: 14
Posting of the morning from ASISBIZ and GAKK.


  • Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (Tony) 36 ASISBIZ.png
    Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (Tony) 36 ASISBIZ.png
    440.4 KB · Views: 14
  • Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien 56th Sentai ASISBIZ.png
    Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien 56th Sentai ASISBIZ.png
    166 KB · Views: 17
  • Mitsubishi 1MF3A type 10 'HA-206 and 207' IJN Akagi 1926-1928 GAKK.png
    Mitsubishi 1MF3A type 10 'HA-206 and 207' IJN Akagi 1926-1928 GAKK.png
    176.2 KB · Views: 16


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Todays selections are some aircraft from the carrier IJN Hosho and Akagi during the 1920's.


  • Mitsubishi 2MT5:B2M2 type 13 model 2 IJN Akagi Japan 1929 AKAAJ.png
    Mitsubishi 2MT5:B2M2 type 13 model 2 IJN Akagi Japan 1929 AKAAJ.png
    102.3 KB · Views: 16
  • Mitsubishi 2MR1 type 'A-21' IJN Hosho on deck Japan 1925 JNAFIA.png
    Mitsubishi 2MR1 type 'A-21' IJN Hosho on deck Japan 1925 JNAFIA.png
    183.3 KB · Views: 16
  • Mitsubishi 1MF3A type 10 'HA-210' IJN Akagi Japan 1926-1928.png
    Mitsubishi 1MF3A type 10 'HA-210' IJN Akagi Japan 1926-1928.png
    173.7 KB · Views: 15
  • Mitsubishi 1MF3A type 10 'HA-208' IJN Akagi 1926-1928 AKAJP.png
    Mitsubishi 1MF3A type 10 'HA-208' IJN Akagi 1926-1928 AKAJP.png
    257.7 KB · Views: 16
Up later than usual doing coursework and posting grades. Pictures of the day are early pre-war American aircraft taken in color from USNAVY. Enjoy!


  • Curtiss O2C piloted by NRAB Floyd Bennett prepares for takeoff circa 1933-35 FEBR.png
    Curtiss O2C piloted by NRAB Floyd Bennett prepares for takeoff circa 1933-35 FEBR.png
    299.1 KB · Views: 15
  • NAS Kaneohe personal honor fallen comrades from Dec 7 USNAVY.png
    NAS Kaneohe personal honor fallen comrades from Dec 7 USNAVY.png
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  • SBD-5's at El Secundo 1943.png
    SBD-5's at El Secundo 1943.png
    197.3 KB · Views: 15
  • Sikorsky JRS-2 at NRAB Squantum, Mass 1940-41 USNAVY.png
    Sikorsky JRS-2 at NRAB Squantum, Mass 1940-41 USNAVY.png
    365.6 KB · Views: 16
Pictures of the day. Picture with Ki-44 that has a sword on as marking is of the 104th Sentai 'tokko' unit "Kikusui-kogekitai" (chrysanthemum-attack unit) from ASISBIZ.


  • Nakajima Ki 84 58 Shimbu tai W4 Miyakonojo AF Kyushu Japan May 1945 ASISBIZ.png
    Nakajima Ki 84 58 Shimbu tai W4 Miyakonojo AF Kyushu Japan May 1945 ASISBIZ.png
    309.5 KB · Views: 14
  • Nakajima Ki 84 51 Sentai 1 Chutai W925 Shimodate AF Japan 1945 ASISBIZ.png
    Nakajima Ki 84 51 Sentai 1 Chutai W925 Shimodate AF Japan 1945 ASISBIZ.png
    358 KB · Views: 15
  • Nakajima Ki-44 Shokis scrambling.png
    Nakajima Ki-44 Shokis scrambling.png
    90.7 KB · Views: 13
  • Nakajima Ki 84 9 Sentai 1 Chutai W46-Nanking China 1945 ASISBIZ.png
    Nakajima Ki 84 9 Sentai 1 Chutai W46-Nanking China 1945 ASISBIZ.png
    251.9 KB · Views: 15
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Todays selections are courtesy of the USNAVY and the net.


  • Boeing F4B-3:4s near NAS Miami 1940 USNAVY.png
    Boeing F4B-3:4s near NAS Miami 1940 USNAVY.png
    242.9 KB · Views: 10
  • F4F Wildcats and lend lease Martlets mixed with J4F Widgeons at Grumman's Bechpage facility aw...png
    F4F Wildcats and lend lease Martlets mixed with J4F Widgeons at Grumman's Bechpage facility aw...png
    248.9 KB · Views: 8
  • Grumman F3F-1 station hack:training aircraft at NAS Miami 1941 STPEI.png
    Grumman F3F-1 station hack:training aircraft at NAS Miami 1941 STPEI.png
    267.1 KB · Views: 9

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