Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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Well, I understand that there were actual victories scored by Ansons that inspired this box art?

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At this point the Brits will chime in and assure us that Ansons scored 324 confirmed victories over Luftwaffe fighters and were the scourge of the skies until the jet age. I especially like how that single .303 machine guns is blowing the Wulf's gear right out of the wing.

Just like the deadly Boulton Paul Defiant.
And the problem is what?
RAAF Avro Anson-A4-5 formation flight over Richmond-Sydney NSW Australia ASBIZ
RAAF Avro Anson-A4-5 formation flight over Richmond-Sydney NSW Australia ASBIZ.jpg
Also, different propellers. AR525 has a de Havilland and EP965 has the Rotol.

It also looks like EP has a C wing with 4 cannons and AR a C wing with 2?

The AR 525 was the Westland built Spitfire while the EP 965 was the Vickers-Armstrong one. Both were built as a part of the Vb / Vc batches. For the AR 525 it was the Contract B124305/40 , the first order and the no. B981687/39/C.23(C), the fourth order for the EP965. The EP 965 was of Vb trop series and the AR 525 of the Vc/Vc trop one. And indeed the Westalnd factory mounted the De Havilland props for their Spitfire Mk.Vb/c.
The AR 525 was the Westland built Spitfire while the EP 965 was the Vickers-Armstrong one. Both were built as a part of the Vb / Vc batches. For the Ar 525 it was the Contract no. B981687/39/C.23(C) and the B124305/40 for the EP965. The EP 965 was of Vb trop series and the AR 525 of the Vc/Vc trop one. And indeed the Westalnd factory mounted the De Havilland props for their Spitfire Mk.Vb/c.
BTW-where did you get that information on the contract number and manufacturer?
Now here is a really neat shot I scanned from the Beaufighter book I have been reading, of two aircraft you normally do not associate together. They used Spitfire escorts for hitting ships near Holland and Mustangs for Norway and other longer range targets. And they had a little problem with their escorts. The Beaus were careful to use radio silence on the way in, to keep from alerting the Germans. But the fighter pilots were less careful, especially the Poles and Americans; they WANTED enemy fighters in the air when they got to the target area! In any case I think it is an AWESOME picture!


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