Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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Indian National Army (INA)

Subhas Chandra Bose (1897-1945)
Leader of INA.
Subhas Chandra Bose with Hitler.png

Subhas Chandra Bose circa 1943.jpg

Bose on the right.
Subhas Chandra Bose on the right.jpg

Anand Mohan Sahay (1898-1991). A man of glasses.
He and his wife Sati migrated to Japan in 1923 as a businessman. Later joined Bose's INA in 1942.
Anand Mohan Sahay.jpg

Sahay's daughter Bharati Asha Choudhary (1928 -)
She was born and grew up in Japan with Japanese name Asako. Later also joined INA as a lieutenant.
Bharati Asha Choudhary aka Asako circa 1945.jpg

Asha with Bose in Japan (June 1943)
She says she was not afraid of dying for her country. Later became a women's liberation activist in India.
Bharati Asha Choudhary with Subhas Chandra Bose(June 1943).jpg
Here is one more, Geo.

As an Imperial GHQ's staff, Keiji Suzuki (1897-1967) led a military intelligence team Minami-Kikan (Team Minami) to train Burma's independence activists Aung San (Aung San Suu Kyi's father) and his 29 comrades in China from April to December 1941. With aid of IJA, Aung San formally organized the Burma Independence Army (BIA) in Thailand on December 28, 1941 to return to his country in triumph.

Colonel Keiji Suzuki (circa 1941)
* Rank looks Major General
Col Keiji_Suzuki.jpg

Aung San in Japan (circa 1940)
Aung San in Japan 1940.JPG

Aung San and his comrade in Japan (circa 1940)
Aung San with his comrade in Japan circa 1940.JPG

Aung San as General in Japan (circa 1943)
Gen Aung San1943.JPG
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Koichi Tsukamoto (1920-1998)
Founder of Wacoal Holdings Corp.
Survivor of the Battle of Imphal.

He was a great entrepreneur in the postwar Japan but his family testifies that he suffered trauma which came from the battle he experienced. He sometimes abruptly talked to himself "Am I alive?" "Is this reality?" There would have been many such people at the time.


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