Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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A deleted history in Taiwan R.O.C.

Air raid on Taipei (May 31, 1945).
About 3,000 Taiwanese were killed and more were injured as Japanese.
As the government does not teach this at school, there are no monuments to commemorate.

This is Takao (高雄 = Kaohsiung) on the other day.
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Japan's turning points to surrender.

Asahi Shinbun dated August 10, 1945.
ソ聯對日宣戰を布告 Soviet Union declares war against Japan
東西から國境を侵犯 Invades border from east and west
滿洲國内へ攻撃開始 Begins attack into Manchukuo
北滿北鮮へ分散空襲 Air raids on North Manchukuo and North Korea separately
調停の基礎を失ひ Lost basis for arbitration (as Japan rejected Potsdam Declaration),
米英蒋の提案受諾 (Soviet Union) accepts suggestion by US, UK and ROC (to join the war)
ソ聯、宣戰理由を通達 Soviet Union notifys declaration reason

Asahi Shinbun dated August 8, 1945
廣島へ敵新型爆彈 Enemy new type bomb dropped on Hiroshima
B29少數機で來襲攻撃 A few B29s carry out attack
相當の被害、詳細は目下調査中 Considerable damage, details under investigation

Nishi-nippon (= West Japan) Shinbun dated August 10, 1945
長崎市に新型爆彈 New type bomb on Nagasaki City
被害は僅少の見込み Damage estimated small
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Nishi-nippon Shinbun follows on the page -

僞騙行動で不意打 Sudden attack by false action
新型爆彈に嚴戒を要す Need high alert against new type bomb
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