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B-17G 42-31473 of the 301st Bombardment Group, 353rd BS

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Not 301st but 99BG. The short time used marking of 5BW often creates confusion among historians. In March '44 it was decided to use at the 5 BW the following symbols - Y in a square over the S/N at all groups and numbers 1-4 under the S/N. 1 stand for 2BG, 2 for 97BG, 3 for 99BG and 4 for 301BG. In April '44, when 463BG and 483BG joined the 5BW the new symbols were used for each group separately again.

Btw, this machine (42-31473 "My Baby") crashed not far away from where I live. Brother of the co-pilot (KIA) visited us and the crash site as well some years ago. Other pics of this machine are here, just scroll the page down B-17G, Nová Bošáca, SR | Letecká bitva Karpaty It also had 20 mm cannon in tail.

Here's one more example of this short time lived marking at B-17G "Marishka". 1 stands for 2BG... Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress named Marishka of the 301st Bomb Group 32nd Bomb Squadron | World War Photos
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