Picture of the day.

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5.(H) 41 Aufklärer Russia I-16

View attachment 666858

Anybody translate the writing?
It's the old German Fraktur script.
I can make out the first 2 1/2 lines
"Unsere Flugzeuge
auf einem Feld-
flugplatz... "

After that my brain shuts down
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St Mere Eglise september 1944



As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
St Mere Eglise september 1944

View attachment 666988

View attachment 666989

The Pz III was a rare bird in Normandy ; this one belonged to 2 Kompanie, Panzer .Ersatz und Ausbildung. Abteilung100.
Behind it is a Raupenschlepper Ost, rather incongruous on the Western Front.
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Anybody translate the writing?
It's the old German Fraktur script.
I can make out the first 2 1/2 lines
"Unsere Flugzeuge
auf einem Feld-
flugplatz... "

After that my brain shuts down
I think it says something like "Our aircraft at an filed airport. In the foreground is a captured fighter aircraft". There are words there I can't make out but I think that's the gist.
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