Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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HMS Campbeltown (I42) tik.. tik ..tik before explosion.


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Agfacolor Farbdia 297 Inf. Division Kampflinie Stalingrad 1942


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Prototype Boulton Paul Defiant K8310 at Northolt, 22 May 1939. The Defiant
was designed and built by Boulton Paul Aircraft as a "turret fighter" to meet
the RAF requirement for day and night fighters that could concentrate their
firepower on enemy bombers which were not expected to have fighter escorts
due to the distance from Germany to the United Kingdom. The Defiant had all
its armament in a dorsal turret offering the ability to fire in most directions.
The same principle was used in the Royal Navy's Blackburn Roc which was
also built by Boulton Paul. In combat, the Defiant was found to be effective
at destroying bombers, the role it was designed for, but was vulnerable to
the Luftwaffe's more maneuverable, single-seat Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters
operating from bases in Northern France after France capitulated in 1940.


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