Picture of the day.

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LOVE this P-40 production shot I found today! Note the greenish tint of the Plexi.

As to the blueish tint to the plexiglass, in modern times our plexiglass comes with a peel able film that is a transparent blue (but darker than what the plexiglass in the picture seems to be) as this is a production site photo is there a possibility that the plexiglass has a protective film over it?
I saw protective paper, or a film, on plexaglas panels shipped to replace damaged panels in the early 60's.
Seeing as how easy it is to damage plexaglas I doubt that it took them that long to figure out how to protect them before or during installation.
My supervisor between 1965 to 1982 had enlisted at 17, went in Normandy just after D-day, fought in the hedgerows and by 19 his hair had turned almost all white. I only saw him in my time with snow white full head of hair. Although I never asked about casualties, the attrition must have been high as he was a 19 year old sergeant at war's end.

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