Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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After Clark Gables wife, actress Carole Lombard was killed in a plane crash, a devastated Gable tried to join the Military. President Roosevelt said he was too valuable at home, where he could use his talents in films for the war effort. Gable however, got his way and enrolled in Officer Candidate School at the age of 41. After graduation, Gen. "Hap" Arnold ordered Gable to star in a film about aerial gunners and he attended several gunnery schools before reporting overseas to the 351st BG. The movie would have special emphasis placed on aerial gunners. Based at Polebrook, he flew 5 combat missions with the 351st and is seen here with B-17F, "Delta Rebel No.2"

The movie that was made View: https://youtu.be/7SJQYG_GskY

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Here is the crew of the super Sub I-400 site says I can not post it in photo album because I am max out.
Crew known Kazuo Nishijma
Kazuyoshi Saito
Cdr Toshio Kusaka
Hidetoshi namura
Sutejiro Shimazu
Yasujiro Okano
Tamao Tanka
Tadaaki Shibakawa
Takumi Fujii
Masao Ishida
Takao kishi
Akira Inoue
Hideo Nishimura

Tauchpanzer, meaning "Diving Tank". Designed for "Operation Sea Lion", it was meant to be dropped offshore and travel on the seabed to the beach. They were Panzer IIIs, totally waterproofed. They had an endurance of 20 mins. and could travel to a depth of 50'(15 meters), the length of the air hose. Though never used to invade England, they were used for their intended role in the Russian invasion, crossing the Bug River. They were then used as normal tanks. More than 150 were built.


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