Picture of the day. (6 Viewers)

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The German forces were experten in recovering and repairing their armor ... even under fire. The Soviets were not. They developed no recovery vehicles (that I am aware of) but received some Lend-Lease platforms (based on the Grant). The T-34 was a disposable tank it would seem. The Tigers, Panthers and Ferdinands were assets to be valued.
.. especially if your hand full could destroy so prolifically.

The US had 1,000's of Shermans but they had great recovery equipment as well ... recovery is more than just lack of abundance .... it's discipline and professionalism. Communism does not engender a respect for property ....
I agree with you but to a certain extent of course.. Russians recovered a lot of tanks both their own and German's ones. But they did that after a battle for instance. The light damaged vehicles were repaired while the destroyed ones were sent to steel works. Of course at the early time of the German invasion they were't able to do that because of the continous retreating. But later when the front line stopped soviets did that for sure.

The next pic...

Tiger 503 abteilung in Russia1c.jpg
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