Picture of the day. (7 Viewers)

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Italian Navy mini-subs waiting to deploy to the Black Sea under German command.
The German High Command was impressed by Italian naval special ops and, in the only case throughout German-Italian co-beligerence, Germany asked for Italy's naval


The first big problem was how to deploy these units in the Black Sea. In fact the only reasonable solution was land transport, since the Turkish Dardanelli Strait was closed by international convention to military naval traffic. In order to try to resolve this difficult issue, the Italian Navy Command gave proof of great ability and imagination by preparing in short time a special column composed of 28 motor vehicles, three tractors, nine trucks, tankers and trailers. This long column of vehicles left the base of La Spezia the 25th April and after having successfully passed innumerable obstacles and difficulties (the drivers and the engineers had in some cases, to demolish buildings along the way in order to let the cumbersome vehicles pass), the column reached Wien, where the boats were put in Danube waters. From here they reached the Rumanian port of Costanza (2th May). Starting from this last port of call, with a fast and easy navigation, all the Italian units finally reached the Russian port of Yalta, it would have become their first operative base.

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