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World War II in Pictures: Planes that Barely Survived

F/O Philip J "Jack" Frost of No 46 Squadron RAF sits in the cockpit of Hurricane Mk I PO-N in a wooden shelter at Bardufoss on 2 June 1940. The aircraft was landed by P/O John F Drummond at 15.40hrs, after the armoured windscreen had been smashed by return fire from a Ju 87 Stuka over Narvik. After firing several short bursts, the 20-year-old pilot watched the dive bomber force-land and burst into flames. He was awarded a DFC on 26 July 1940.

Nice one.
This year, the 46 Squadron Association hold their 100th Annual Reunion Dinner, the only RAF Squadron to hold an annual reunion, every year without fail, since being formed in 1917.
Gp. Cpt Dougie Barr, the Association's Secretary, has informed me that the oldest surviving member, a Stirling pilot, will be in attendance this year, and I have the privilege of providing five models of Squadron aircraft, to be center-pieces on the dinner tables, one of which is a Stirling Mk.V.

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